Perform FFT spectral analysis for accurate component frequency and power. |

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FFT with Tapering Window :
Solve the leakage problem found with standard FFT methods by using one of the 30 data tapering windows included. |

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Fourier Spectra of Segmented Data :
FFT spectra of segmented data makes it possible to check the assumption of stationarity by inspecting a graph of the individual spectra or by displaying all the spectra in a 3D plot. It also makes it possible to generate full error bars for the averaging across segments. |

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Multitaper Spectrum :
The Fourier Multitaper spectrum is a cutting edge technique that reduces the variance of the spectral estimate using statistical methods. |

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FFT of Unevenly Sampled Data :
Easily handle unevenly sampled data with Lomb - Scargle Periodogram Fourier domain analysis with techniques that were originally developed by astrophysicists. |

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